So This Is It!
Tomorrow, after a year and a half of effort and waiting, I'm finally going to get my band. My journey has been longer than most; I had a hysterectomy and half of my thyroid out this year and that prolonged my wait time. I also had some problems with insurance, and a couple with the doctor's office. But I really don't care. I'm so glad to get to this point, all of that is a dim memory. My surgery won't be until 4 pm tomorrow, and by then I ought to be good and ready. My husband is off from work to come with me, and my mom is taking my daughter for the day. So my worries are few and I should be able to concentrate on myself for a change.
I will only be able to drink liquids for two days following surgery, then I'll be back to soup pudding (blended soup.) If I don't feel too bad, I'll try to write something tomorrow to let you know how it went, etc. I've been drinking and drinking water, since most times I've had surgery they haven't been able to get a vein due to dehydration. We'll see if it works.
Waiting for this surgery has been trying, and I'm not really good at waiting for things. I've had to keep my goals in mind and not get defeated. I suppose this whole journey to a new (or old) me will be that way. It's not going to happen quickly, but I'm hoping for success. Wish me luck! View blog reactions